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Crying Suns礼包码~兌換碼~禮包碼~序號免費

发布时间:2022-08-16 11:27源自:未知作者:9977sy阅读()




277手遊—Crying Suns礼包码禮包兌換碼介绍
Crying Suns礼包码邀請碼
Crying Suns礼包码禮包碼
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Crying Suns礼包码無課金
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Crying Suns礼包码免費序號
Crying Suns礼包码兌換碼2021
Crying Suns礼包码序號2020
Crying Suns礼包码序號2021
Crying Suns礼包码禮包兌換碼怎麽獲得   獲得方法介紹

When FTL meets Foundation and Dune: Crying Suns is a tactical rogue-lite that puts you in the role of a space fleet commander as you explore a mysteriously fallen empire. In this story rich experience inspired by Dune and Foundation, each successful run will uncover the truth about the Empire... and yourself as well.

Main Features:
- Space exploration in a procedurally-generated universe
- Tactical fights between battleships and their squadron fleets
- More than 300 possible story events
- A deep and dramatic storyline structured in 6 chapters
- A dark and disturbing atmosphere inspired by our favorite S-F universes (Foundation, Dune, Battlestar Galactica)

First released on PC and Mac, the indie hit Crying Suns was carefully redesigned for mobile and tablets, including a revamped interface and intuitive touchscreen interactions.

Pay once to get the full Crying Suns experience! No ads, no F2P mechanics! All future updates included.

Supported languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese

If you encounter any problem, please contact us at [email protected] with as much information as possible on the issue.

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