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Girls X Battle 2礼包码~兌換碼-禮包碼~序號免費

发布时间:2022-07-14 13:35源自:未知作者:9977sy阅读()





277手遊—Girls X Battle 2礼包码禮包兌換碼介绍
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4th Anniversary Celebration! Login 7 days for 200 FREE Capsule Coins!

★Battle Hands-free★
The biggest feature of Girls X Battle 2 is that all the battles are “hands-free”, you only need to deploy your Girls ,then they will take over the fight. Get rare items even when you are offline, craft legendary gear to enchant you Girls.

★Hundreds of lovely Girls in your charge★
More than hundreds of characters of Japanese Anime style Battle Girls, all of them will be under you command. Each Battle Girl has her own background story and unique skills. Each Girl’s personality is unique and it is up to you to pay attention to their interests and dress them, which can also increase their battle stats.

★Deploy Girls with different formations, play to their strengths★
While in battle, the key to victory is Optimizing the Girls’ formatin, countering relationship of each Girl will bring you a different gaming experience for each battle. Different main abilities also have different effects on girls. Your aim is to figure out the best tactic for your current battle.

★Abundance of game features await for you★
Different features for you to explore: Top Floor, Quiz, Challenge, Boss Fight, among many others. All of these features will help you to become the No.1 on campus. Lots of Girls can be obtained in many places: Market, Girl Store, Enroll and some others. Participating more events are also the best way to enchant your Girls!

★Conquer the campus with players all over the world! ★
Join the League, challenge your friends, fight against all players! Win your final battle and reach the top of the ranks!
Make friends with players from all over the world! Try your luck at World Bosses in game!

Visit Girls X Battle 2’s official Facebook page to participate on our wonderful events and earn great rewards! (Hint: Search Girls X Battle 2 On Facebook)
For Latest Events and Guides, Please Click The Link Below↓
☞Official Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/en.gxb2/
☞Girls X Battle 2 Official E-mail:[email protected]
Our development team will appreciate every player of trying Girls X Battle 2, thank you for your support!

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