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Teacup Mobile礼包码~兌換碼~禮包碼~序號免費

发布时间:2022-08-19 12:45源自:未知作者:9977sy阅读()




277手遊—Teacup Mobile礼包码禮包兌換碼介绍
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Teacup Mobile礼包码禮包碼
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Teacup Mobile礼包码禮包兌換碼怎麽獲得   獲得方法介紹

Teacup is a short and wholesome narrative adventure game with a focus on exploration and non-linear progression.

You play as the titular Teacup, a shy and introverted young frog who loves drinking tea and reading. The day before she is to host a tea party at her house, she realizes she is completely out of tea, and thus must venture into the woods around her to find the herbs she needs to restock her pantry.

You are free to tackle the list of ingredients Teacup must gather in any order you wish. Find your own path through the world of Little Pond.

During your adventure you will meet the charming inhabitants of the forest. Some are talkative, some are grumpy, but all of them will lend you an ear on your adventure.

Most of the animals you meet will be glad to help Teacup… in exchange for a small favor or some help. Organize a (oddly shaped) market stall, win an underwater race and more!

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