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METAL SLUG 1礼包码~兌換碼~禮包碼~序號免費

发布时间:2022-08-19 12:32源自:未知作者:9977sy阅读()




277手遊—METAL SLUG 1礼包码禮包兌換碼介绍
METAL SLUG 1礼包码邀請碼
METAL SLUG 1礼包码禮包碼
METAL SLUG 1礼包码無課金
METAL SLUG 1礼包码免費序號
METAL SLUG 1礼包码兌換碼2021
METAL SLUG 1礼包码序號2020
METAL SLUG 1礼包码序號2021
METAL SLUG 1礼包码禮包兌換碼怎麽獲得   獲得方法介紹

Make your way through multiple battelfields and put an end to the
Rebel Army Leader General Morden's evil plans!!

Features list:
■Not only a perfect port of the original NEOGEO game!
In addition to its classic “ARCADE MODE”, this perfect conversion of “METAL SLUG” includes a “MISSION MODE”, allowing you to select in which stage you want to play!
You can now train yourself in your favorite stages or those which give you a hard time!

■ Receive items from rescued POWs!
You can received several items by rescuing fellow POWs during missions!
These items provide upgrades for your powerful weapons! POWs can also be found in secret places....

■ Make good use of the multipurpose tank: the METAL SLUG!
Aside from the Vulcan and Cannon attacks,you can also evade enemies' attacks by squatting and even jumping!
As a last resort you can ram your slug into the enemy troops!
Create a huge explosion by self-desctructing your slug using the "METAL SLUG ATTACK" unleashing extreme damage to your enemies.

■ A control scheme allowing for precise controls!
The "Autofire" feature allows you to fire your weapons continuously by holding down the button,
you can reposition the buttons outside of the game screen area in "Window mode".
Enjoy every corner of METAL SLUG using your own custom controls!

■Intense cooperative gameplay via the Wi-Fi function!
"METAL SLUG” can be doubly enjoyed by playing with another brother-in-arms simultaneously via the Wi-Fi function!
Will you be able to clear the hardest stages with your friends?

■Compatible with “GAME CENTER”!
Complete the maximum number of “ACHIEVEMENTS” in order to increase your "METAL SLUG" Player Rank!
Beat the best scores and become World’s Number 1!!

欢迎分享转载→ METAL SLUG 1礼包码~兌換碼~禮包碼~序號免費


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